Does anyone else feel like they are going to wash away. I swear we have had so much rain in the past two weeks it isn't even funny. So much so that even the lake was out of its banks this week with the storms. That is saying alot because that NEVER happens. It finally stopped on Sat night. So I took full advantage on Sunday afternoon and did some much needed gardening while the ground was soft. I finally had a chance to prepare my flowerbeds. I had hopes of finishing them up this week but now the rain is moving back in..ugh. Patrick was suppose to start t-ball on Thursday. I guess we will see hopefully it will be gone by then. Anywho, on to what this post is suppose to be
Paper Popsicles is having a March Cosmo Cricket contest this month. I finally got around to working on mine this past week. Of course with all the rain we have been having I haven't had a chance to take any pics of it and still haven't been able to get a really good shot of it.
I love Cosmo Cricket products, I don't think I have seen any of their lines that I don't like. Here I used Jack's World papers, blackboard and stickers. I wanted to make some baby boy goodies. But really the frame and card could be for either. I used painted a wooden frame with Peebles Inc spice paint. I used the blackboard shapes with matching stickers and added google eyes to the animals. Inked the edges with pearl rust ink and also a thin piece of ribbon I added to the giraffe's neck. Easy Peasy...

The little book is very simple. I used a blackboard albums and 2 sheets of papers, Arctic Frog Rubons and a sticker border. I wanted it very simple so it could easily be carried in a purse without worry of messing it up.
I really like how the card turned out. I used one of the new flourish rubber stamps from
kits2remember on this one. I love these stamps they are so pretty and at a great price as well. I used stamp 1-05. It is actually a long stamp but I just parts of it. Alpha stamps are studio g. The little tag is popped up.
Here is another layout I did a couple of weeks ago with the Love Notes line...I love love love this line...such yummy colors. Now on to other news.....
Want to be on Paper Popsicles Design Team? Here is the details straight from their blog....We are looking for fun, enthusiastic, and creative paper crafters to join our Design Team. Our design team motivates, inspires, and supports our online community. We are looking for paper crafters of all skill levels, with or without design team experience. Paper Popsicles kits and store products appeal to a wide audience, so we're looking for all type of scrappers... from traditional to chic. We are accepting applicants from the U.S. & Canada. this time.Deadline for Design Team submissions will be Thursday, April 30, 2009. To apply, please send the following items to
Full contact information (Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, and message board user ID).
3 layouts (1 layout must be 2 pages with multi-photos), 1 altered project and 1 card - these can be previously published items - we just want to see your best work!. Links of your blog, online galleries, or other places where your work can be seen. Please include any user IDs necessary..
Register for our message board and get to know the members of our community and allow us to get to know you a little better..
A short resume of your paper crafting experience, including any current or prior design teams..
A short bio about yourself; including what you consider your scrapping style to be and why you want to be part of the Paper Popsicles Design Team
Design Team Requirements:
Our designers rotate between the main kit and mini-kit assignments. Main kit assignments consist of 4-6 projects using the supplied kit contents. Projects should be a variety of layouts and cards; 3-4 layouts (a multi-photo two page layout is required each month) and a card set (2 or more cards) per kit. All projects should be made with at least 90% kit contents or store product. All items to be submitted prior to the monthly deadline..
Every other month, choose a project you have recently created using store products and provide written directions and photos for an online workshop. Directions should focus on specific steps needed to recreate your project, including techniques used, measurements for cutting, and include sketches as needed. These may be published on the blog as well as the how-to forum..
Each design team member is expected to participate actively on the message board, gallery and contribute content to the Paper Popsicles blog. Activity includes starting new threads, posting questions, tips, responding to threads, and leaving gallery praise..
Every designer is assigned a week each month to post the question of the day on the board.. Participate in any online events that are held during term.. Participate in Design Team discussions.
Commitment to a 4 month contract term May 2009 - August 2009 with the possibility of an additional 2 months or until October 2009.
Design Team Compensation:
Receive a discount on purchases from Paper Popsicles.. Receive monthly Design Team kits as assigned to be used in creating monthly projects. Free shipping on orders shipped with Design Team kits. Other store merchandise as creative work is needed.
Watch the Paper Popsicles blog on May 2, 2009 for the exciting announcement of our new design team!!! If you haven't been
over there to check things out you really should. Melissa is so sweet and she has some of the best kits around. And the message board is awesome. It is full of some wonderfully ladies. It is one of the few message boards I really love and hang out on.